July 29 at 8:07am  Alaska Public Media   Murkowski’s healthcare vote causes a stir in Washington and Alaska  The Alaska Dispatch News is reporting that the Trump Administration threatened to target Alaska as retribution for Senator Lisa Murkowski’s stand…  The Trump Administration was not happy with Senator Lisa Murkowski after her votes this week on the Affordable Care Act repeal effort. And when the Interior Secretary called Alaska's Senators this week to tell them the President was unhappy with Murkowski, many viewed it as a threat.

Once again Murkowski fails to stand on the principles that got her elected.....

I do not want to label her a Rino, but it's clear that is what she has become....

President Trump is right, she did break her promise...

Murkowski is in a hard spot to be in.... Due to Governor Walker unilateral decision to expand Healthcare in Alaska without the people who live here's consent.

She, if voted yes on this, would half to explain why the expansion need to be repealed here and that 34,000 people would need to find jobs and not abuse the system like they do.

But if she voted yes, it would mean that her one Priority, Planned Parenthood would be defunded.

Her big donor would half to find money from someplace other then the federal government.

Her vote had nothing to do with the state of Alaska's people and Everything to do with Special Interests.

On the other side of Planned Parenthood, their Healthcare coverage in Alaska is unique, compared to the other states. If only they would eliminate abortions to be funded, Lisa Murkowski would have voted yes a long time ago....

Now She could have been a shining example of taking a stand against the overspending habits of our local government and help force reforms in their abusive spending habits!

Glad to see Dan Sullivan Made the right choice for Alaska and voted yes

Must read about Murkowski, by all accounts she has betrayed us Alaskans that voted her into office and the 51% that voted for President Trump.


Hypocrite.... Here is her record on Obamacare over the years...... Now she has opposite views against what she once stood for....



July 29, 2017 at 8:49am  Alaska Must Read Alaska  Heads and Tails: Drue Pearce tapped for federal safety agency  From Sitka, today, where Must Read Alaska found an American bald eagle colluding with a Russian Orthodox Church to dry its wings. In broad daylight. DRUE PEARCE HEADS BACK TO FEDERAL…

Will he take the job?  Also:  The investigation is a waste of taxpayers money. Obama made worse threats then what happen here.  Politadick

July 29, 2017 at 12:01pm  Alaska Posting Politadick 

I was asked to share this.... Politadick


1. You said nothing when Obama used drone strikes to execute people abroad.

2. You said nothing about Russia for 50 years until Trump was inaugurated.

3. You said nothing about Hillary’s campaign manager’s brother being paid $175,000 to lift U.S. sanctions on Russia.

4. You said nothing when Obama engaged in military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval.

5. You said nothing Obama greatly expanded presidential power through the use of Executive Orders.

6. You said nothing when Obama filled his White House with lobbyists after he said he wouldn’t.

7. You said nothing when Obama gave 47 of his fundraisers Administration jobs.

8. You said nothing about the murders and rapes at the hands of illegal immigrants.

9. You said nothing when Hillary’s net worth rose over $100 million as Secretary of State, in part, because her husband took money from foreign governments.

10. You said nothing after Obama’s net worth rose over $10 million as President.

11. You said nothing when Obama’s Justice Dept. Wiretapped/surveilled reporters such as James Rosen and the AP.

12. You said nothing when Obama restricted immigration 6 times with Executive Orders.

13. You said nothing when Obama set a record for deportations.

14. You said nothing when Bill Clinton met Loretta Lynch on the airport tarmac during the Clinton investigation.

15. You said nothing when Hillary was fed debate questions.

16. You said nothing when Obama and Hillary lied about a video and Benghazi.

17. You said nothing when Obama’s IRS abused the rights of taxpayers.

18. You said nothing when Obama’s White House held meetings with lobbyists in coffee shops near the White House to avoid disclosure requirements.

19. You said nothing when Eric Holder sold the guns you hate to criminals and some were used to kill .

20. You said nothing when the Clinton’s took White House property.

21. You said nothing objective when Hillary laughed off defending a child-rapist.

22. You said nothing when Hillary lied about her private use of a private email server as Secretary of State.objections

23. You said nothing when Janet Reno, under Bill Clinton, used a tank to kill the Branch Dividians.

24. You said nothing when, on May 13, 1985, a bomb was dropped on a row house in Philadelphia to uproot the black liberation group known as Move, resulting in a fire that eventually burned down 61 houses, killed 11 people (including five children) And injured dozens.

25. You said nothing was Elian Gonzales was forcibly deported using guns.

26. You said nothing when George Soros paid protesters to burn parts of Ferguson.

27. You said nothing about states’ rights until Trump's Executive orders on immigration.

28. You said nothing about Obama’s smoking.

29. You said nothing about the record numbers of people on government assistance.

30. You said nothing about the number of part time and low paying jobs under the Obama recovery.

31. You said nothing when Obama had SWAT teams raid a Gibson guitar factory and seize property, on the purported basis that Gibson had broken India’s environmental laws—but no charges were filed.

32. You said nothing when Obama claimed that the Fort Hood shooting was “workplace violence” rather than terrorism.

33. You said nothing about when Obama ended some terror asylum restrictions, by allowing asylum for people who provided only “insignificant” or “limited” material support of terrorists.

34. You said nothing when the national debt doubled under Obama.

35. You said nothing when 9 times the Supreme Court unanimously overturned Obama’s expansive use of Executive Power.

36. You said nothing when Obama dismissed charges filed by Bush Administration against New Black Panther Party members who were videotaped intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling station during the 2008 election.

37. You said nothing when Obama released Guantanamo detainees were released and went back to kill Americans.

38. You said nothing when Obama unilaterally changed Congressional law by Executive Order.

39. You said nothing when Obama fired an inspector genera after investigating an $850,000 grant received by a nonprofit run by former NBA star and Obama supporter Kevin .

40. You said nothing about the 36 Obama’s executive office staffers owed $833,970 in back taxes

41. You said nothing when Obama Killed four Americans overseas in counterterrorism operations without judicial process.

42. You said nothing when Susan Rice unmasked US citizens for political reasons.

43. This list is only a small example.....

July 29 at 2:10pm  Alaska  AK Freedom 49er's So, is Lisa a hero for standing against her own political Party once again; or is she the Benedict Arnold of the 21st century?  “Murkowski joined Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), as well as every Senate Democrat, in voting against the bill, which led to its shocking collapse in the early hours of Friday.” ~ The Hill

The Hill:  Murkowski after voting no on healthcare bill: 'Both sides must do better'  Sen. Lisa Murkowski after voting no on healthcare bill: 'Both sides must do better' Planned Parenthood to send…

Once again Murkowski fails to stand on the principles that got her elected.....

I do not want to label her a Rino, but it's clear that is what she has become....

President Trump is right, she did break her promise...

Murkowski is in a hard spot to be in.... Due to Governor Walker unilateral decision to expand Healthcare in Alaska without the people who live here's consent.

She, if voted yes on this, would half to explain why the expansion need to be repealed here and that 34,000 people would need to find jobs and not abuse the system like they do.

But if she voted yes, it would mean that her one Priority, Planned Parenthood would be defunded.

Her big donor would half to find money from someplace other then the federal government.

Her vote had nothing to do with the state of Alaska's people and Everything to do with Special Interests.

On the other side of Planned Parenthood, their Healthcare coverage in Alaska is unique, compared to the other states. If only they would eliminate abortions to be funded, Lisa Murkowski would have voted yes a long time ago....

Now She could have been a shining example of taking a stand against the overspending habits of our local government and help force reforms in their abusive spending habits!

Glad to see Dan Sullivan Made the right choice for Alaska and voted yes‼️

Must read about Murkowski, by all accounts she has betrayed us Alaskans that voted her into office and the 51% that voted for President Trump.


Hypocrite.... Here is her record on Obamacare over the years...... Now she has opposite views against what she once stood for....



Digging up Alaska’s volcanic secrets  Alaska is home to 50 volcanoes that have erupted since written records began in 1760. To a geologist, though, those 250 years of records are nothing. To look further back, they dig.  Under a microscope, the size, shape and color of ash particles, along with their individual chemistry, are unique to each volcano. And volcanologist Kristi Wallace knows most Alaska ash layers by heart.

I love Alaska's history   Politadick
July 29 at 2:33pm  Alaska KTVA 11  Alaskans gather to praise Murkowski for defiant stance against Obamacare repeal 

Once again Murkowski fails to stand on the principles that got her elected.....

I do not want to label her a Rino, but it's clear that is what she has become....

President Trump is right, she did break her promise...

Murkowski is in a hard spot to be in.... Due to Governor Walker unilateral decision to expand Healthcare in Alaska without the people who live here's consent.

She, if voted yes on this, would half to explain why the expansion need to be repealed here and that 34,000 people would need to find jobs and not abuse the system like they do.

But if she voted yes, it would mean that her one Priority, Planned Parenthood would be defunded.

Her big donor would half to find money from someplace other then the federal government.

Her vote had nothing to do with the state of Alaska's people and Everything to do with Special Interests.

On the other side of Planned Parenthood, their Healthcare coverage in Alaska is unique, compared to the other states. If only they would eliminate abortions to be funded, Lisa Murkowski would have voted yes a long time ago....

Now She could have been a shining example of taking a stand against the overspending habits of our local government and help force reforms in their abusive spending habits!

Glad to see Dan Sullivan Made the right choice for Alaska and voted yes‼️

Must read about Murkowski, by all accounts she has betrayed us Alaskans that voted her into office and the 51% that voted for President Trump.


Hypocrite.... Here is her record on Obamacare over the years...... Now she has opposite views against what she once stood for....

