July 2, 2017 at 9:40pm  Ann Coulter  NYT headline SHOULD be: 3 Billionaires, Greedy GOP Consultants ‘Furious’ That Senator Stood Against Health Care Bill.

Trump Backers ‘Furious’ That Senator Stood Against Health Care Bill  Dean Heller, the Nevada senator who broke with President Trump on health care, now faces the wrath of Las Vegas’s biggest titans and the Republican…
July 2 at 1:57pm  Alaska  ADN Here’s how Alaskans get their health insurance As the debate rages on in Washington, D.C. over how the federal government should involve itself in health insurance, here's a look at just how Alaskans are insured.  Despite the current focus on individual coverage and Medicaid, about half of Alaskans actually get their health insurance from their employers.

So going by what is reported here.

#1. 34,000 people will be removed from Medicaid

#2. By 2020 those 34,000 will not be covered under Medicaid, under the set timeline.

#3. Under the Medicaid expansion

In Alaska Medicaid expansion added an additional 34,000 people. (Not all states did this expansion. Alaska was one of the few that did)

#4. Alaska's Indian Health Services and disabled children are exempt from the cap. (No mention if disabled adults that were covered as kids are still going to be covered)

#5 Nearly 41% of the population on Medicaid will be exempt from the new healthcare bill.

#6. Before there was Obamacare.

2008 Alaska was spending 1.4 billion on Healthcare.

Now 2016 Alaska spent 2.4 billion dollars on Healthcare.

These totals are what we Alaskans spent.

Federal government matches what we spent for Healthcare.

So in 2008 we spent 2.8 billion and in 2016 total of 4.8 billion dollars was spent in Alaska for Healthcare.

#7. 4.8 billion times 41% excluded from the new bill. So 1.968 billion dollars will be exempt.

Leaving 2.832 billion to cover. Our half will be back to near 2008 levels 1.416 billion dollars.

#8. But under the cap. By 2026 Alaska will need to reduce that by 1 billion dollars. So 2.8 will now be 1.8 billion spent.

#9 let's put all the #'s together.

4.8 billion 2016

1.968 billion exempt 41%

2.832 billion caped

-1 billon reduction by 2026

Alaska reverses its expansion of Medicaid next year 2018. Reducing 500 million from the budget.

Insurance rates will if the plan is right go back to near 2010 totals. An additional 300 million will be cut as people now move into their own insurance plans.

Estimated an additional 100 million can be cut by adding a travel tax to all rural areas for healthcare costs.

Estimated an additional 100 million will be caught due to abuse of the system. (Several reports this year in the news about this)

Cutting the budget by 1 billion dollars by 2022 four years ahead of the current time line.

#10. The current Healthcare bill does not show what will happen with the next two stages of the plan.

Part B. Address the high costs of medicines and renegotiating lower prices.

Part C. Allowing insurance companies to provide insurance across state lines.


July 2, 2017 at 9:52pm  Alaska KTVA 11 Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling  Bogoslof sends ash cloud to 36,000 feet  Bogoslof Volcano erupted Sunday afternoon prompting warnings from the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) and the National Weather Service (NWS).

Climate Change/Global Warming at its finest…. There it blows again!  Politadick