December 29 at 7:08am  Alaska  KTUU 2  New color camera systems bring caribou counting into the digital age  Researchers and biologists in Alaska have something to celebrate after images captured by new camera systems managed to shave painstaking hours off…  Those are Alaska caribou, and now researchers are seeing them in a whole new light.

Welcome to the Digital Age. Can’t wait for the count to get done


December 29 at 7:14am  Alaska  KTUU 2  Ketchikan considers ordinance on health care transparency  Ketchikan officials are seeking an ordinance requiring health care practitioners in the city to disclose estimated medical costs to patients before they receive…  The proposed ordinance is modeled after the health care cost transparency ordinance that was adopted in Anchorage.


Any other business is required to tell you what it costs before hand.... How was Healthcare Providers ever allowed to get away with not doing this.....


December 29 at 7:45am  Alaska  ADN  After one of the Fairbanks Four brings wrongful conviction suit, the others file their own  Marvin Roberts brought his lawsuit against the city of Fairbanks and two dozen police officers earlier this month. Now, Eugene Vent, Kevin Pease and…  The four men say they were wrongly imprisoned for 18 years.

Are they really innocent?

After seeing what they said back then when he was killed and that the current release never reversed the convictions, it only allowed them to go free. All without proof of innocence...

Even if they were caught today and taken back to court. They would have been found guilty of the crimes committed in today’s court system. As they were then.

I saw them being set free was a political move by Governor “He Who Shall Not Be Named” and his agenda to buy the Native Vote. Just as he has done many many time since he has taken the position.


“Fairbanks is in Trouble” series

Link to some evidence that backs up why I say this above:


December 29 at 8:30am  Jay Sekulow  Video  New Year Filled with Challenges & Hope
December 29 at 8:38am  Alaska  KTVA 11  Why a puff of marijuana could land you a DUI  Nearly two years after it was legalized, Alaska still has no set limit for the acceptable amount of marijuana that can be in your system while driving. That means you can be charged with driving under the influence even if you've inhaled only one puff.

The battle for Pot Smokers rights continues....  Politadick
December 29 at 9:04am  Alaska  ADN  Health care sign-ups in Alaska dip just slightly despite shorter enrollment time and confusion  A total of 18,313 individuals in Alaska signed up for 2018 health insurance on HealthCare.gov compared to 19,145 last year.  18,313 Alaskans signed up for 2018 health insurance plans in open enrollment. That's down about 4.5 percent from last year, when Alaskans had twice as long to enroll.

Wow.... Can’t wait for all the real numbers to come out for this....

Nearly 90% of Alaskans that enrolled were moved directly into free Healthcare since it started.

The only reason that the cost of insurance is going down, was the Multi-Million dollar Bribe Alaska received this year to lower the costs back down and when that runs out we will see a 50% increase of the costs.


December 29 at 9:08am  NBC News  Video  LIVE: President Trump meets with U.S. Coast Guard at his Florida golf club.
December 29 at 9:18am  Blue Lives Matter  Gov. Investigating 'Do You Know How Many Guys I Had To Blow' State Police Cover-Up - Blue Lives Matter  Two troopers are now suing after refusing to participate in this corruption.


“Fairbanks is in Trouble”

December 29 at 9:24am  Sources News  Video  The next time someone says Trump is racist for DACA decision, show them this! 

December 29 at 9:37am  Fox News  Video  Nunes blasts DOJ, FBI for 'failure' to produce records relating to anti-Trump dossier  EXCLUSIVE: House Intel Committee Chairman Devin Nunes is blasting the Justice Department and FBI for “failure to fully produce” documents related to an anti-Trump dossier, saying “at this point it seems the DOJ and FBI need to be investigating themselves.”

Just like the unmasking of American citizens that he brought into the light... (which has been buried due to all the political corruption that will bring out )

This is something also that should have been available from the start and denied... Now they have till January 3, 2018 to provide the evidence....

“Plot with a Twist”

December 29 at 10:02am  Judicial Watch  Video  LIVE: Tom Fitton's Video Weekly Update on Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner laptop docs being released by the State Dept. today, our Net Neutrality battle, our effortsexposing corruption at the DOJ, FBI, & Mueller operation (noted by The Washington Post), & more!
Yesterday at 10:27am  Alaska  The spoil of war.  Must Read Alaska  Governor names his former AG to Permanent Fund Board - Must Read Alaska   Gov. Bill Walker has appointed former Attorney … 


If you were not worried about the PFD before, you should be “Terrified” Now

“He Who Shall Not Be Named” has been stacking the deck in every department, all designed to make sure he will be Governor for the next four years...


Are you paying attention? Alaska’s government has succeeded in taking that really nice paycheck you are suppose to get next year with the new Tax Reforms.

Theft: PFD, gas tax, property taxes going up again, income tax 1.5%. Does the people in Anchorage realize that other places in the state pay city taxes on all items they buy?

Sad world we live in with all this corruption...


Link to buying the Alaskan vote:

December 29 at 10:38am  OANN  U.S. Immigration System Drives Low-Skilled Arrivals, Impairs Economy  President Trump renews his calls to end chain migration…  President Trump renews his calls to end chain migration and the visa lottery program after a new report reveals the number of foreigners moving to the U.S. hits a 17 year high in 2016.

This is a Breaking announcement for the Boarder Wall inside.... DACA and Chain Immigration.....

December 29 at 11:01am  I Will Vote For Trump 2020  Video  "You LIED & DECEIVED the American Public, WHY?" Trey Gowdy THRASHES Hillary clinton with Jim Jordan

Always worth remembering.....

First 20 minutes is worth listening to then it repeats video...

December 29 at 11:41am  Popular Military  Photo  During The Recent Snow Storm all Government Employees Got To Go Home    "Except One"
December 29 at 12:37pm  Alaskan Republican Assembly Forum  Homer News: Judge grants partial attorney’s fees to recall election intervenor Heartbeat of Homer gets $1,218,53  In an order and decision released on Dec. 22 regarding a city of Homer civil court decision, Anchorage Superior Court Judge Erin Marston made a ruling…  A tiny victory for Homer conservatives
Just over $1k 

Is this a victory....?

I think that it is a travesty that they could turn Homer into a Sanctuary City without the people’s consent... 

They never should have never been allowed to run for the positions again and new people should have been put into their places in Alaska’s government.


December 29 at 1:09pm  OANN  Liz Wheeler  Video  Four days after Kate Steinle's killer was acquitted, we've already stopped talking about it.  DO. NOT. STOP. TALKING. ABOUT. IT.  Kate Steinle was killed thanks to Sanctuary Cities & Democrats who support them.  We owe it to Kate to keep fighting until Sanctuary Cities are gone.

Keep on Sharing...... I know I am....... FIFTH Reposting


December 29 at 2:52pm  Alaska Republican Assembly Forum   Huge WARNING  - Chinese Gasline? Really? -  Breitbart  For China, Debt Disaster Lurks in the Shadows - Breitbart  China's financial grey market or "shadow banking" industry has accumulated more debt and liabilities than Beijing wants to admit. 

Does Alaska really want to be doing business with China?


December 29 at 3:37pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Today we took a look back at the top 10 most-viewed stories of 2017 on our website. Here's what we found.  KTUU.com's Top 10 stories of 2017  As the year comes to a close, we’re looking back at some of the most-viewed stories on KTUU.com in 2017. While politics and sexual harassment dominated national news, locally there was a mix of tragedy, public safety, and animals,… 

Happy New Year


December 29 at 9:35pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Looking back: Anchorage's deadliest year on record  Alaska's largest city saw 35 homicides in 2017, up one from the previous record of 34 set in 2016. 

We have a do nothing Mayor and “He Who Shall Not Be Named and his gang of thieves to blame for this.....  Politadick
December 29 at 9:41pm  Alaska  Scott Kawasaki for Alaska  What would you like to see in downtown Fairbanks of the future? Reply to the survey from the planning group today! http://bit.ly/2CeAFgU #akleg

Click The link that he provides… Be brutally honest with your answers as if it was your own money that you are spending… (which just so happens, it is)  Politadick
December 29 at 10:35pm  Alaska  Representative Cathy Tilton  MatSu Delegation Pre-Session Meetings  Tue 10 AMState of Alaska Legislative Information 

MSB Assembly Meeting January 2, 2018 at 10:00 am  Politadick
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