December 15 at 6:14am  Fox News  Video  President Donald J. Trump speaks at the FBI National Academy graduation ceremony in Quantico, Virginia.
December 15 at 6:27am  SpaceX  Video  Launch webcast of SpaceX's thirteenth resupply mission (CRS-13) to the International Space Station is now live:
December 15 at 6:31am  Bill Ward  Alexa for Seniors  Video    Politadick
December 15 at 6:37am  Ben Shapiro  Fact check: false  Daily Wire   CNN Implodes Over Net Neutrality, Claims Exact Opposite Of What FCC chairman Ajit Pai Said  The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted 3-2 today on a measure that would repeal the Obama-era net neutrality protections set in… 

December 15 at 6:43am  Milo  WATCH: MILO on Why the Death of Net Neutrality is Cause To Celebrate  Net Neutrality "is about more government control," according to MILO. But now, it's dead, the internet is free again, and consumers win. 

 What will tomorrow bring....  Politadick
December 15 at 7:08am  Fox News  Video  "The job of the FBI is not to decide whom to prosecute, but to present the evidence to professional prosecutors in the DOJ and let them make the decision."  The 'Special Report' panel discusses a newly revealed draft of then-FBI Director James Comey's statement on the Hillary Clinton investigation.

Here is something you may not of heard about yet...  “Plot with a Twist”  Poliadick
December 15 at 7:29am  PragerU  Video  STUDY: CA Will Lose 400,000 Jobs By 2022 Because Of Minimum Wage Hike  On Thursday, the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) released a new study by Drs. David Macpherson of Trinity University and William Even of Miami…  California dreaming.

As time goes by and more data is available...

Study’s are showing raising the minimum wage is not a good thing...


No surprise here about what they said inside...

December 15 at 8:01am  Jay Sekulow  Video  BREAKING: Comey’s Cover-up Revealed

“Plot with a Twist” gets even smellier as the Swamp is stirred up....  Politadick
December 15 at 8:07am  Ben Shapiro  Video  Episode 438  Net neutrality comes to an end, and armageddon ensues; President Trump moves forward with regulatory cuts; and we check the mailbag!

Net Neutrality explained so that the average person can understand.....

I posted a post the other day about my news feed being suppressed by Facebook. This happens more then what I’m reporting. The very next day on the Jay Sekulow show he made mention about Facebook and what they have noticed. Now here we are today and Ben Shapiro is also pointing out that people’s feeds on many different platforms are being suppressed.

This episode clearly points out what is really happening..... Worth your time to watch the first half.....


December 15 at 8:16am  OANN Pres. Trump: For Every New Regulation, The Administration Has Killed 22 of Them | One America News Network 

Did you see this yesterday...
It was awesome
This is what Winning looks like



December 15 at 8:31am  Breitbart  Video  RIGHT NOW: Wreath laying at Pentagon 9/11 Memorial...
December 15 at 8:50am  Fox News  Video  Secretary of State Rex Tillerson holds a press availability at the United Nations.
December 15 at 8:58am  Alaska Republican Party  News Minor  Kinross acquires Gilmore tract west of Fort Knox  FAIRBANKS—Kinross Gold Corp. has acquired mineral rights to 709 acres immediately west of the company's Fort Knox Gold Mine and estimates the land contains an estimated 2.1 million ounces of Gold mining in the Interior...good for Alaska!

Wow.... This Rocks

Estimated 2.1 Million ounces could be there.


December 15 at 9:02am  Milo  'Bike Lock' Antifa Professor Gets His First Lesson in Justice, Pretrial Date Set - DANGEROUS  The Antifa-aligned professor accused of assaulting Trump supporters with a bicycle lock will be headed to court two months from now, following postponement.

I hope in the end of this that he is found guilty...

Yet I have a feeling that the courts will rule with their FEELINGS, instead of the law...


December 15 at 9:17am  Alaska  University of Alaska Offers $1,000 to Students Who 'Advance Social Justice' - Breitbart  Students are eligible for a $1,000 award if they can demonstrate that they are "significantly contribute to enhancing diversity" on campus.

Alaskan’s are you aware that UAA is using our tax money to pay people to become Social Justice Warriors?

I have first hand knowledge from several full time student in UAA. They are encouraged to take on the lefts agenda.

If you keep up with the news this past year... They have made paintings, professors writing discriminating articles and they are not allowed to have conservative views unless they wish to be verbally abused for having them.


December 15 at 9:30am  Alaska  My Christmas wish: May you never get sick. And may you never go broke. Must Read Alaska  SURGE WEEK This week is the home …  Slow Obamacare enrollments head into final day - Must Read Alaska 

Was Obamacare ever a win in Alaska

Nearly 90% who enrolled in it here, were moved into Medicaid and don’t even pay a dime for their Healthcare....

$3.1 Billion spent last year for “Free” Healthcare in Alaska. Over 1/3 of the budget and that was just Alaska’s share of the bill, doesn’t include what the Feds paid....


December 15 at 9:32am  Alaska  Video Turning Point USA  PERFECT! Senator Rand Paul Expertly Explains Why Healthcare Is NOT A Right!
December 15 at 9:33am  ACLJ  Video  Jay Sekulow  Big Abortion was caught selling the body parts of aborted babies for profit. Now the Justice Department has launched an investigation. The ACLJ has called for this kind of action for years.

ACLJ: In case you didn’t hear the news about this in their daily broadcast......

Link to last weeks show where they talk about what is happening....


December 15 at 9:58am  Judicial Watch  Video  JW President Tom Fitton is LIVE discussing JW Suing Over Anti-Trump FBI Info, Uncovers New Clinton Scandal Docs, & Sues Cali to Clean Up Dirty Voter Rolls
December 15 at 10:49am  Fox News  Video  Attorney General Jeff Sessions holds a press conference to discuss efforts to reduce violent crime.
December 15 at 11:33am  PragerU  Even if Social Security weren't going broke, it can't provide you with a comfortable retirement.

The Sad Truth  Politadick
December 15 at 11:44am  Alaska The environmental propagandists just could not contain themselves.   Must Read Alaska  National Geographic's cynical polar bear play - Must Read Alaska  Last week, the venerated National Geographic organization … 

The big lie revealed.... When Al Gore was born there was only 7,000 of them left (see comments below) Falls right in line with the Caribou Herds being destroyed....

Recently reported herd #’s are at record levels that have not been seen since the 1920’s.


Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling

December 15 at 12:27pm  PragerU  Video  This is it! PragerU surpassed 1 billion lifetime video views.
December 15 at 12:31pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Alaska Representative accused of sexual harassment  Rep. Dean Westlake, D-Kiana, is accused of sexual harassment by a former legislative staffer.  Here's an update from state lawmaker Dean Westlake and the calls for him to resign.

Looks like the Franken defense isn’t working very well for Democrats…


December 15 at 12:33pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  Did Edgmon and Tuck conspire to cover up Westlake complaint? - Must Read Alaska  What did they know and when did …  Why did these guys not take action until forced to nine months later?

Clearly there is a major conflict of interest happening here… Cover-up, conspiracy, or is it that there’s more hiding in the woodwork that they’re trying to keep undercover…  Alaskan Cockroaches…  Politadick
December 15 at 12:38pm  Alaska  The good-old boys club had a secret. But then, they didn't expect Olivia Garrett to go public.  Must Read Alaska  While ginning up fake accusations against a senator, Edgmon's posse sat on a secret - Must Read Alaska  SEN. WILSON WAS A CONVENIENT DISTRACTION FROM … 

Wilson versus Westlakes…

Wilson: Release the tape… Democrats in charge are using the Yearbook defense happening here…

Westlakes: Democrats are using the Franken defense for him… Time for him to resign

Alaskan cockroaches…  Politadick

December 15 at 12:41pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska  He's done: Westlake letter of resignation - Must Read Alaska  Here is the letter of resignation submitted … Did Gov. Walker and Robin Brena know about all of this before they pushed his candidacy?

It’s about time he did the right thing

Alaskan cockroaches…


December 15 at 12:54pm  Alaska  Must Read Alaska   Last year at this time the governor introduced a budget of $4.2 billion to run state government. Will it be higher or lower this year?

My guess is: It will be the same.... But the other end of the budget that they never talk about will grow and grow and grow...  Politadick
December 15 at 1:05pm  Fox News  Video I don't see it. Dave Stieren Show 'Jingle Bells' rooted in racism, Boston University professor says Jingle Bells” doesn’t have a single reference to Santa Claus or Jesus Christ, but the song, one of the most well-known Christmas carols in the world, is… 

They are constantly making claims there is no war on Christmas… And then this comes out  Politadick
December 15 at 1:59pm  Fox Business  House Ways and Means Chair, Rep. Kevin Brady holds press conference on the GOP tax bill.
December 15 at 2:08pm  Alaska  Governor Walker  Video  12/15/17 Press Conference: Fiscal Year 2019 Budget

OMG he has announced that he is going to add a payroll tax and claims that they have cut the budget as far as they can and have plans to increase it next year. 
Has no intent of giving us back the PFD Plus still intends to take next years also
Liar in Chief was live on budgets announcement

Politadick · 4:15 1.5% payroll tax. Under the Alaska constitution he cannot designate a tax for a specific budget item. He is lying to us!

Politadick · 5:40 Look his Nose is growing!

Politadick · 6:52 He is still pushing new taxes for next Budget. This Thief needs to be voted out!

Politadick · 8:49 You ran Shell and Exxon out of the state and are crying that you have not taxed us enough.

Politadick · 9:51 He caused Alaska to loose its credit rating!

Politadick · 9:20 OMG he caused the pink slips to get passed out!

Politadick · 11:13 Defund senior living facility’s so he could hire a $2 Million a year Climate panel that could get $6 million in the next year.

Politadick · 12:44 He is directly responsible for our lawmakers being in all these special sessions. He is the only one that has the power to call them. He is lying lying lying!

Politadick · 15:02 So healthcare for free costs are going up again. He is directly responsible for that happening with his executive order making it happen without Alaskans or our lawmakers consent!

Politadick · 15:49 So still is planning on stealing our PFD’s.

Politadick · 17:32 So they are going to give themselves raises for retirement. Corruption at its finest.

Politadick · 21:17 So we’re paying another billion for credits! Thieves......

Politadick · 23:05 Payroll tax! 

Politadick · 23:44 He needs to be stoped now from destroying Alaskans future!

Politadick · 24:47 320,000 Alaskans live in poverty and they want to tax us.

Politadick · 26:06 You raised the budget $2 billion a year since taking office. You are lying to all Alaskans with your fake budget cuts!

Politadick · 28:14 OMG how did he ever get voted into office. The 🐑 need to wake up to who he really is. His plan for Alaska is destroying Alaskans future.

Politadick · 31:18 Has he told us yet if the $500 Million to combat Climate Change? Oh I’m sorry, to move villages that have no jobs and never contribute more then they take so their villages can be moved.

Politadick · 32:58 He is lying again. The budget hasn’t been cut one bit. Senator Shelly Hughes has pointed out this blatant lie

Politadick · 35:26 Schools are over-funded by $500,000,000 Million. Time to restructure the schools in Alaska. Just look at the two highs schools in Juneau and they don’t have enough student to be having them both running!

Politadick · 37:48 By 2020 the amount Alaska will owe on healthcare expansion will bankrupt Alaska!

Politadick · 39:19 How can they continue to get away lying to us all?

Politadick · 39:59 Here fishy fishy fishy. Have a nice worm for you!

Link to Alaska’s Budget Corruption:

December 15 at 3:04pm  Alaska  KTVA 11  Governor Walker details budget proposal  Today, Governor Bill Walker's Office released a three-part budget plan that they say "strengthens public safety, creates jobs for Alaskans and restores accountability in the budget process."

Channel 11 has blocked me from being able to post this comment on their page They are in compliance with “He Who Shall Not Be Named” agenda and are keeping the truth from being told about his new budget

Alaskans need to hear the truth

1.5% payroll tax for three years. Not going to FUND a full PFD or return what he has stolen from us. Claims he has cut the budget as far as he can and new taxes are required. Claims he need more funding for police yet has 80 Unfilled funded positions already. I would keep going but The list is endless for all the lies he has just told today

I’m so mad right now I could spit nails

Liar in chief


Live broadcast:

Link to Alaska’s Budget Corruption:

December 15 at 3:12pm  Daily Wire  FLOODGATES OPEN: Congress ‘To Be Rocked’ In Next 72 Hours, Over A Dozen Resignations Coming Says Reporter  "Tick Tock."

The crap is hitting the fan now



December 15 at 3:33pm  Donald J Trump  Video  Tune in! My campaign team is talking about our winning strategy to make America SAFER, STRONGER, and more SECURE.
December 15 at 3:40pm  Alaska  ADN  Gov. Walker proposes payroll tax for repairs to schools, using Permanent Fund earnings to balance budget  Updated: In all, the governor's proposed budget for the next fiscal year totals $4.7 billion, a drop of 1.7 percent the current year's budget.

I’m so mad right now I could spit nails

Liar in chief


Watch it Live and hear all the BS for yourself

Live broadcast:

Link to Alaska’s Budget Corruption:

December 15 at 3:53pm  Fox News  GOP unveils final version of tax reform bill  JUST IN: Republicans in Congress have unveiled the most sweeping overhaul of the tax code in three decades, after Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Bob Corker said they would endorse it.

Looks like they are almost done, soon putting more money into Alaskans pockets next year.  Meanwhile at the same time “He Who Shall Not Be Named” announces that he plans on taking it away from all Alaskans.  Politadick
December 15 at 4:24pm  Alaska  Senator Lisa Rino Murkowski  Conference Report to Accompany H.R. 1—Tax Cuts and Jobs Act | House Committee on Rules 

Today we unveiled the final conference committee report for H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. I’m grateful to my fellow conferees for working incredibly hard to reconcile our differences on tax reform and reach an agreement that reduces rates, lets hard-working Americans keep more of their own money, and makes our nation’s businesses more competitive. The conference report includes two titles: the first to provide tax relief to American families and businesses, and a second to open a small portion of the non-wilderness 1002 Area in northeast Alaska to responsible energy development. If we can successfully pass this legislation, the ultimate result will be more domestic jobs, larger paychecks, and greater energy security—and that is exactly what Alaska and our country need right now.

Click below to view the text of the conference report here as well as policy highlights here. 

Thank You Senator Lisa Rino Murkowski For doing the right thing this time!


December 15 at 4:52pm  OANN  Attorney Sought Massive Paydays for Pres. Trump Accusers | One America News Network An explosive report reveals spotlight seeking attorney Lisa Bloom promised two women huge pay days if they accused President Trump of sexual misconduct.

Well now.... I wonder if this is what Bill O’Reilly was talking about that Facebook tried to scrub from my page earlier this week....



December 15 at 6:44pm  Alaska  KTUU 2  Minimum wage in Alaska to increase by 4 cents in 2018  The minimum wage in Alaska is set to increase effective the first day of 2018.

Oh boy a .04 cent raise this year... I’ll now have enough to buy that stick of gum I have been wanting......

Let’s see .40 cent for every 10 hours I work and “He Who Shall Not Be Named” wants to take a $1.50 for his payroll tax for that same ten hours of work.

Alaskans lose again.....


December 15 at 7:10pm  Conservative Tribune  Trump Saves Taxpayers $3,000,000 by Nuking Obama-Designed Website  Obama didn't care who paid the bill -- oh, and it was us...

Nice  Politadick
December 15 at 9:50pm  Breitbart  BAM.   Trump Opens Up 80,000 White-Collar Jobs to Americans


America’s youth may for the first time in a very long time, have the chance to finally find work and move into good paying jobs......

Who would have ever thought that could happen....?


December 15 at 11:23pm  OANN  Video  Liz Wheeler  Four days after Kate Steinle's killer was acquitted, we've already stopped talking about it.  DO. NOT. STOP. TALKING. ABOUT. IT.  Kate Steinle was killed thanks to Sanctuary Cities & Democrats who support them.  We owe it to Kate to keep fighting until Sanctuary Cities are gone.

Keep on Sharing...... I know I am....... Third Reposting  Politadick
December 15 at 11:51pm  Alaska Public Media  Murkowski unsure Congress can investigate Trump on groping charges  Lisa Murkowski was one of the voices calling for Democratic Sen. Al Franken to resign, but she…  “My sense is that that is going to continue to build,” Murkowski said. “The role that we play in Congress for an investigation – that’s one of the things that I’ve been trying to figure out: Is there a congressional role?"

The left is getting very desperate now that the Russian Collusion BS is coming to an end

All the fingers are now beginning to be pointed at Clinton and Obama and soon the real investigations will begin.....


December 15 at 11:53pm  PragerU  Video  Jews Flee Paris Suburbs over Rising Tide of Islamist Anti-Semitism  French-Jewish families are being forced from their homes in Paris suburbs on the back of hostility from newly-arrived Middle East refugees.  "Jews are leaving their homes on the northeastern fringe of Paris to escape the open hostility that French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on Sunday condemned as 'well-rooted'..."

Paris has become a place that no one is safe anymore......  Politadick
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