December 9 at 12:02am  Alaska Senate Democrats  NEWS: Senate Democrats Respond to Decisive Action by the House Against Sexual Harassment – Alaska Senate Democrats  "It is easy to point fingers at our political rivals, but it is when we are able to police our own, and not flinch from what is the right thing to do that we really show what we are made of. The House has modeled what true leadership looks like. Sexual harassment is not about political party, and it is not about political convenience. It is unacceptable in all forms, in all places."  Senator Berta Gardner's full statement is at the link.

Alaska, they are playing you all for a bunch of fools

Took them long enough.....

He never should have been able to even hold a seat in office.... His past is very colorful and not in a good way.....

 don’t let the Democrats fool you into thinking they really care. 

They have been sitting on this for a very long time and wouldn’t of done a thing, if it wasn’t for people in the Media bringing it into the light for all Alaskans to See....

Now they have the tenacity to point fingers at the Senate when there has been multiple request to release the video that would clear all those allegations up in a blink if an eye.

Yet the Democrats have been stonewalling anyone from seeing it.

It’s Sounding like, to this Alaskan, they are just a bunch of hypocrites playin dirty pool politics. Maybe they are using the Franken/Yearbook Defense... 


Alaskan cockroaches

December 9 at 9:24am  The Daily Signal  Video  Why did Hillary Clinton receive special treatment from the FBI? And Patagonia and REI are claiming “the president stole your land”—but they must be referring to the Obama administration’s last-minute 1.3 million acre land grab in Utah.  We’re breaking down the Top 10 Must-See moments of the week—many of which went misreported or underreported by the mainstream media.
December 9 at 9:26am  The White House  Video  Watch LIVE as President Trump gives remarks at the opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum.
December 9 at 9:43am  The White House  Video  "No American should be separated from their loved ones because of a preventable crime committed by those illegally in our country."
December 9 at 11:04am  Freedom Crew  Video  Wow......  Politadick
December 9 at 11:12am  Breitbart  Gloria Allred  Reasonable people can certainly disagree on whether or not they believe the allegations leveled against U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore. Especially in the #MeToo era, as scores of women are rightfully coming forward for a long-overdue…

This is ugly....

Cockroaches.......  Politadick

December 9 at 11:17am  Will Johnson  Video  GATHERING AT THE WALL! 

From some place warmer...


...  Poiltadick
December 9 at 12:57pm  Tucker Calson  Video  Illegals get more welfare than citizens  This video is about Illegals get more welfare than citizens

Why does America need Welfare Reform...?

Here is one of many reasons why


Let’s just take a look at the numbers for a second....

“109,631,000 living in households taking federal welfare benefits as of the end of 2012, according to the Census Bureau, equaled 35.4 percent of all 309,467,000 people living in the United States at that time.Aug 20, 2014”

The average collected amount is $4,431.00

Costing $485,774,961,000 Billion Dollars a Year. Let that sink in for a movement.

Now take the 11,000,000 Million of the 23,000,000 Million suspected illegal immigrants/aliens collecting it also.

That means they are collecting $62,612,000,000 Billion Dollars a year of Welfare. This does not count the benefits they get in K-12, free college, healthcare and many many other things that is taxpayer funded.

Just think in just one year of having them no longer able to collect Welfare would be enough to Pay For The Wall and build it an extra ten feet higher and still have money left over.


December 9 at 1:10pm  Alaska Republican Assembly Forum  It's a Giant Cover-Up: Elizabeth Warren’s CFPB Used Secret 'Slush Fund' to Pump Billions Into Leftist Causes

Every time they use that word “Slush Fund” it sounds exactly like what our government is doing here on a little smaller scale then this.

Maybe that is why they don’t want a independent team to look at the books and trimming the fat off of them.....


December 9 at 2:40pm  Alaska  Charlie Huggins for Governor 2018 
December 9 at 2:44pm  Alaska  ADN  Suit says Fairbanks Four man was wrongly convicted and jailed for 18 years  The suit was filed Thursday in U.S. District Court. It contends Marvin Roberts was deprived of basic rights, including the right to a fair trial.  The settlement that freed the rest of the Fairbanks Four also released the city of Fairbanks from liability. Marvin Roberts will ask a federal judge to invalidate that part of the agreement. 

“Fairbanks is in Trouble...”



December 9 at 4:50pm  Matt Kibbe  Video   Your Favorite Christmas Carols Are Offensive 
December 9 at 4:56pm  Blue Lives Matter  VIDEO: Lauderdale Lakes Suspect Beats Deputy, Gets Smoked - Blue Lives Matter  A Broward County deputy fatally shot a suspect who attacked him and his partner.  VIDEO - WARNING: Graphic Content!

What would you have done....?  Politadick
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