August 30 at 6:32am  Fox News Video  Harvey Live Update: Department of Homeland Security and FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency officials provide an update on Tropical Storm Harvey relief efforts in Texas and Louisiana.
August 30 at 6:51am  Link Has Been Permanently Removed By Facebook
August 30 at 7:03am  Allen West Republic  Infuriating!  The truth is finally out that the Obama administration was actually cooking the books [Video]
August 30 at 9:36am  Tribes of the Indian Nation  Horses Rescued From Flood Waters in Texas. The community came together to save nearly 70 horses
Good job.....
August 31, 2017 at 12:30pm  Alaska  Senator Shelly Hughes Picture  "Tell Me Why You Want To Take The People's Money Yet Again  When The Operating Budget Has Been Cut Less Than 4%?   Governor is calling Legislature back Oct 23rd to consider revenue measures (TAXES). Post your response in a GIF. I'll post mine below in the comment section.

Back to Juneau they go to talk about all the taxes they want to give us...

August 30 at 1:44pm  Petition to the White House:  Compel The F.B.I. To Release All Records Pertaining To Hillary Clinton's Personal Secret Server Email Investigation | We the People: Your Voice in Our…

Another one that is worth your time to sign.... Time for Hillary to pay for her crimes...  One day old and 12,000 have signed Politadick
August 30 at 2:58pm  Fox News Video  Vice President Mike Pence gives the keynote address at the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce's 2017 Annual Meeting and Business Summit.
August 30 at 7:21pm  Alaska  Picture of a "Post"  Funny
August 30 at 10:36pm  MSM  Pelosi condemns 'antifa' after Berkeley clashes  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Tuesday condemned the 'antifa' protesters who clashed with President Trump supporters in Berkeley, Calif. Sunday.

Pelosi is condemning her party's new leaders 😯 now who will show them the way?? 🤔 BLM Maybe?  She should be ashamed at herself for her slow response to the hate and violence on display and the way she was holding them up on a pedestal to be admired for what they did in Charlottesville Virginia.  Not just for what just happen in Berkeley.  Politadick