August 19, 2017 at 7:53am  Maryland removes Dred Scott ruling author's statue  ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - A statue of the U.S. Supreme Court justice who wrote the 1857 Dred Scott decision that upheld slavery and denied citizenship to African Americans was removed from the grounds of the Maryland State House early Friday.

This was done in the middle of the night, only four people voted to have it removed in secret… No public input, nothing…  Politadick
August 19 at 8:05am  District Attorney Is Going After Obama For TREASON!  Our ex-president may be in hot water! Dana Boente was acting AG until Jeff Sessions was officially approved by the Senate and wants to charge Obama with TREASON. He says that Obama did illegal stuff while in office and since he left,…
August 19, 2017 at 8:10am  Hollywood  Robert Downey Jr. Blows the Whistle on Elite Hollywood Pedophile Ring.

Wow.......  If this is true, it's no wonder those in Hollywood are against President Trump like they are....
Pelosi & Feinstein called a Freedom of Speech Rally with majority “of color” speakers “white supremacists.” They want the SF rally permit rescinded.
August 19, 2017 at 8:29am  The Daily Wire Ben Shapiro Nothing is Sacred:  Now The Vandals Are Attacking Statues Of Catholic Saints  As President Trump said, the totalitarian mob rule of removing statues people find offensive has a slippery slope descending into darkness.

The left has really gone off the deep end...  Politadick
August 19, 2017 at 12:37pm  "Antifa The nails in the ends of their weapons are for stabbing police horses as well as anybody they remotely disagree with."  They wear masks just like the KKK do.

The New Democrat Party....  Politadick
August 19 at 2:41pm  President Trump Fans  Video  Obama  Well well well....look what I found!

This man lied to Americans over and over and over again  Politadick
August 19 at 2:55pm  Blue Informer SITE NO LONGER EXISTS: JUST IN: Democrats Issue Nasty Demand to Military  Figures on the political Left and the media are now calling for the removal of all Confederate monuments in response to the violence and deaths in Charlottesville, Virginia. But the demand is not limited to...

They are now taking it to the next level…  This really needs to end   Politadick  Site has Been Removed
August 19 at 3:14pm  New York Post  Fighting Nazis doesn’t make ‘antifa’ the good guys  Fighting Nazis is a good thing, but fighting Nazis doesn’t necessarily make you or your cause good. By my lights this is simply an obvious fact. The greatest Nazi-killer of the 20th century was Jos…

I call them the new leaders of the Democratic Party.  In the past Democrats were the KKK...  In present time Democrats are, "ANTIFA"  Politadick
  IRISH: THE FORGOTTEN WHITE SLAVES They came as slaves: human cargo transported on British ships bound for the Americas. They were shipped by the hundreds of thousands a..

History lesson....  Politadick
August 19 at 11:07pm  Alaskan's Against Gov. Walker PFD Theft  A piece Friday by Rashah McChesney of Alaska Public Media's "Alaska Energy Desk" discussing the cashable oil tax credit program contains "fake news." There isn't any other way to describe it. See "Oil company sues over Alaska’s beleaguered cash-for-credits program,"http://bit.ly/2vTHDSX.Here is the part that's fake. "The sta,,,  Click Link To Read More
August 19 at 11:10pm  Alaska  Dan Mayfield For Assembly Seat  Dan Mayfield – Running for the Right Reasons
I am a hard working community leader and fiscal conservative. It has been my honor for nearly 3 years to represent the communities of Settlers Bay, Knik, Big Lake, Point Mackenzie and Hollywood on the Mat-Su Borough Assembly. During my time on the Borough Assembly, I have represented our common goals with an emphasis on the core duties of government to support programs such as Public Safety, Education, Infrastructure and safe Recreational Opportunities. My goal has been to make local government work for citizens so that we can jointly make our Mat-Su Borough the best place to live, work, play and become educated. 
Those of you familiar with me, know of my long history of volunteer work on Transportation, Economic Development, Trails and Easements. More importantly, you know of the leadership I have demonstrated on the Assembly in support of Fiscal Responsibility and the core values of government. I have the energy, dedication, work ethic and judgment to be successful in representing our common interests throughout the next three years and bringing forth your concerns in the Assembly. 
Hard work, perseverance, and patience will continue to pay off in solutions that benefit us all. My experience on the Assembly facing the challenges of our current economic climate reminds me how critical it is to work together as a team in pursuit of keeping a lid on taxes and making the Matanuska Susitna Borough affordable for our residents. 
Please vote Dan Mayfield for Assembly on October 3rd

Let's hear from Alaskans that have something to say....  Is he a good fit????  Politadick
August 19, 2017 at 11:14pm  Joan of Arc caught up in statue-toppling movement  The golden equestrian statue of St. Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orleans, stands on Decatur Street in New Orleans’ historic French Quarter. A gift from France in 1972 to honor the city’s French heritage…

Sad that people don't have pride in Americas history and take the time to learn from what it has to teach.... Politadick
August 19 at 11:37pm  Fox 29  Video and follow link to story....   IN CUSTODY: Philadelphia Police say a suspect wanted in connection with the spray painting of the words 'Black Power' across the Frank Rizzo statue late Thursday night has been taken into police custody.

BLM and ANTIFA seem to be reading the same playbook....  Politadick
August 19 at 11:42pm  Fox News  Antifa Website Calls for Violence Against Trump Supporters  A disturbing Antifa website is calling for physical violence against supporters of President Donald Trump and capitalists.  ANTIFA the New Democrat Party Leaders have something to say to all Trump supporters....