Ben reacts to Steve Bannon firing Ben Shapiro |
Picture Democrats loosing their minds |
Romney Sides with Antifa Over Trump; Ann Coulter Comes Out Swinging at Him … and She Had Backup Is Mitt Romney that confused? (BizPac Review) – The former Massachusetts governor seems to have been drinking the liberal media kool-aid, defending the… |
Use your brain!’ Young black woman breaks down & eviscerates the media’s
‘fake racial war "Let me invite you over for a cup of hot
steaming facts." Some more opinions from another person... Politadick |
BREAKING: State Police Claim VA Governor LIED About Charlottesville
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D.) was contradicted by the
Virginia State Police again on Wednesday after he claimed weapons were
hidden around Charlottesville… Uncovering the truth, one story at a time… Politadick |
The Left ignores its own double standards.:
Huckabee Makes A Great Point: Can Pro-Lifers Tear Down The Abortion
Clinics They Find Offensive? With leftist marauders rampaging
their way across the South, tearing down monuments they find offensive
without due process of law or public discourse,… This article speaks for itself… Politadick |
Daily Wire Ben Shapiro
This morning, I published an op-ed in the Alaska
Dispatch News.
The words of the President of the United States matter. And right now,
they are sending the message that we cannot see the difference between
the just and the unjust, right and wrong, racism and equality. To all my
constituents and neighbors across this great state, I want you to know
that we know there is a difference between those who wish to bring this
country together and those who wish to tear it apart. The
President's words are wrong and they're harmful to our democracy. KKK, BLM, Nazi's and Antifa all walk into a bar.... Bad joke I know. But the media, Democrats and the left are not ready to start calling out all the domestic terrorists, hate groups, whatever name you wish to give them, that are involve in the violence. The police were told to stand down and that allowed this to escalate into what it had become. Now the Governor is under investigation for his roll in the organized violence that happen there. All hate groups like these should be targeted by the media for their rolls in this. Not just the two that they want to highlight and point fingers at. Antifa and BLM need to be also singled out for their participation in the violence. President Trump was correct when he called out all groups… So far only a small handfull of news organizations that are reporting the whole story. Antifa has long deep roots in history that the left is trying to ignore... Are they the new spokes group for the lefts movement? Is this who they want representing them? Let's not forget who started the KKK. Democrats and many on the Left have put on a new title to the old one and now call it, "Antifa" instead. Alaska's Democrats and Senator seem to agree. History is repeating itself under a new name, as members of society are trying to erase it one statue at a time. Politadick |
Picture KKK and Antifa |
USA Conservative Video
Alabama passed a law protecting all confederate monuments from being
torn down. At least one state has done the right thing. There should be plaques with short explanations of who they are in history, with internet links to find out all their history and the roles they played in it. Politadick |