August 16
August 16,2017 at 7:06am Fox News Video  A memorial service is held for Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old woman who was killed during weekend protests, at the Paramount Theater in Charlottesville.

August 16, 2017 at 9:00am  Alaska MUST SHARE!! MUST SHARE!!  ADN Obamacare 
New Alaska ballot propositions would put Obamacare insurance provisions in state law.  A pair of proposed ballot measures from a group of Alaska doctors comes with the support of a union-backed group based in Washington, D.C.  If approved, initiative backers would have until mid-January to gather over 30,000 petition signatures — if the questions are to appear on the 2018 ballot.

Paid to play healthcare lobbyists are trying to force Obamacare onto Alaskans permanently.  Governor Walker unilateral decision to expand healthcare in 2015 was done without the consent Alaskans and its lawmakers.  it's a failed healthcare system that is draining billions of dollars a year from Alaska's economy.  Do not sign this petition It is bad for Alaskans and is already destroying our economy.  Politadick


August 16, 2017 at 10:45am  BBC News  Antifa: Left-wing militants on the rise.  Critics say the militant left is just as dangerous as the far right.

Antifa has long deep roots in history that the left is trying to ignore....  Are they the new spokes group for the lefts movement?  Is this who they want representing them?  Let's not forget who started the KKK.  Democrats and the Left have put on a new title to the old one and now call it "Antifa" instead?  History is repeating itself under a new name, as members of society are trying to erase it one statue at a time.  Politadick
August 16, 2017 at 11:06am  Ben Shapiro Protester Who Toppled Durham Confederate Statue Shocked When She's Arrested at Press Conference A North Carolina Central University student found herself in handcuffs late Tuesday, after she admitted at an "anti-Fascist" rally in front of the Durham,…

Quote: In case you were wondering whether the rest of the crowd understood the nature of crime and punishment, as Thompson was led away, her fellow protesters began chanting, "Cops and Klan go hand-in-hand." 
This is why they all should be held accountable for their actions. They are the ones who deserve to go to jail for what they did and it is sad to see the left holding them up to be idolized.
They have no problem being Racist/Hate Filled/Alt-Left Supremacist as long as it furthers their cause. They attack the integrity of police for actually doing what, I'm sure 99% of Americans expected them to do before they had the chance to tear it down.

August 16, 2017 at 11:57am Pastor Wants Presidents' Names Removed From Washington, Jackson Parks Over Ties To Slavery.  Bishop James Dukes wants Washington Park and Jackson Park to be renamed, and a statue of George Washington removed.

Give them an inch, they took it the extra mile....    Politadick
August 16, 2017 at 5:16pm  Police: Charlottesville Was 'Inside Job' To Ignite Race War

Hmmmmm.......  Could this be true???? Politadick  Update: 8/16/2017 Hmmmm.... Also all social media accounts for the person diving the car have been erased less then 24 hrs after it all happen.... coincidence?  Follow the link provided to hear what Lou Dobbs has to say and my comments up to that point in time:https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1480164565377893
August 16, 2017 at 5:59pm
August 16, 2017 8:12pm  A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack Former NSA experts say it wasn’t a hack at all, but a leak—an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system.

Very detailed information about the hacking of the DNC server.  Politadick
August 16, 2017 at 8:50pm  Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling  NASA 

This can't be true…  You know, Climate Change/Global Warming…  Politadick
August 16 Tucker 
August 16, 2017  at 10:03pm  Fox News Video   Lou Dobbs UNLEASHED: FOX Business Network host UNLOADS on Liberal Media  Conservative Lou Dobbs was on vacation this week but…

The unpleasant truths by: Lou Dobbs Charlottesville Virginia  He says what media should have been saying since this all began.  Is it a coincidence that what Lou Dobbs says here today, closely matches an article that I posted earlier questioning on whether or not what they say in that article could be true…  That article, Lou Dobbs, and the timeline of events that I have posted since it started, match too closely to each other…    With what the governor and the police chief said in their briefing Saturday, backs up what Lou Dobbs has to say and what is implied within that article that I question whether or not it is true…

 Link to Governor of Virginia and police chief press briefing right after the car crash:   

Link to article, questioning if it could be true:
August 16, 2017 at 1042pm  NRTV  Sheriff David A. Clarke shares his truth about Black Lives Matter: “This is a political construct that has nothing to do with black lives. It’s an ideology. It’s a dangerous, hateful, destructive ideology.” 
August 16, 2017 at 11:33pm  Alaska Daily News Miner  Alaskans Against Gov. Walker's PFD Theft It became evident to me from the start what I had suspected all along. That Obamacare or as it is otherwise known the Affordable Healthcare Act is nothing more then another tax. When the plan began several years ago I skeptically called the number to get details on how to sign up and what it entailed. After I gave them my information and where I lived, I was told that I did not make enough money to qualify for the program and would have to look elsewhere for healthcare. Then when I filed my taxes I found out that I was going to be penalized $250 for not having insurance. So for anyone still drinking the koolaide wake up. Governor Walker is using yet another failed government program to add credibility to his stealing our money.

Did you know?  Paid to play healthcare lobbyists are trying to force Obamacare onto Alaskans PERMANENTLY. They have started a petition to make this happen.  Governor Walker unilateral decision to expand healthcare in 2015 was done without the consent Alaskans and its lawmakers.  It's a failed healthcare system that is draining billions of dollars a year from Alaska's economy.  Do not sign this petition‼️ It is bad for Alaskans and is already destroying our economy.  Follow the link to see the petition they are trying to put on the 2018 ballot  https://www.facebook.com/politadick/posts/1479701845424165 

These women knocked it out of the park with their views Wow, this comes from CBS  Politadick