August 11, 2017 AT 9:08AM  Military is ‘locked and loaded,’ Trump says in latest warning to North Korea  The US president continues to ratchet up his rhetoric as the outlaw nation threatens Guam.  The statement came a day after the president said that "things will happen to them like they never thought possible" if the isolated country attacked the United States or its allies.

From the Washington Post.... We all know they are bias when it comes to reporting, Not 😅🤣😂

All joking aside. Between Clintons actions in 1994 and Obama ignoring the nuclear tests and missile launches during his term and his red line that was crossed over and over with no action.

President Trump was handed a mess that they could of been taken care of long ago and is trying to fix....


Seems a few people are upset that Bush's term in office is missing, so here it is....

Maybe I should post a timeline from 1953 and up just to not miss anyone. Bush had a hand in it too. Clintons deal in 1994 only slowed down North Koreas nuclear ambitions. But did help to supply the nuclear materials to them and they started Keeping development hidden.

By the time Bush took office they had developed between 2-8 nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.

Bush put his own sanctions on them which again got assurances from them they would stop their nuclear and missile programs. But that didn't stop them from testing a nuclear weapon.

Many talks happen during Bush term in office and as with Clinton was told they would stop. But as with Clinton, Bush and Obama they failed.

Hope that clears that gap up for you.  Politadick

August 11 at 9:35am  Alaska ADN  Guam These are the answers to all the questions you suddenly have about Guam Guamsplaining for mainlanders.

Other then the first paragraph being very old and inaccurate for what just happen, it's a nice story. Here is what should have been written at the beginning.

The governor of Guam said Thursday there was no “heightened threat” on the island after North Korea issued a statement that it would develop a plan by mid-August to launch four missiles at the U.S. Pacific territory.  Guam Gov. Eddie Calvo dismissed the North’s statements, saying they came from a “positon of fear,” Reuters reported.

The rest of the story is like Alaskans explaining where we live here to people in the lower 48. 


August 11, 2017 at 9:50am  A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack  Former NSA experts say it wasn’t a hack at all, but a leak—an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system. 
August 11, 2017 at 3:27pm  Alaska Must Read Alaska  Dispatch gets eviction notice from landlord GCI  Today the landlord for the Alaska Dispatch News press operations on Northway Drive had finally had enough of Alice Rogoff. After trying to get the publisher of the Alaska Dispatch News to pay her rent for the better part of two years, GCI has…

Well, another on bites the dust.....  If only they reported news and facts that weren't provided by the Washington Post, (seems most of what they report gets debunked) they might of had a chance to survive.....  Politadick
Some Matanuska River landowners want government help — just not the kind they’re getting  As the Matanuska continues to consume land and the occasional home, many riverfront residents who opted against programs to move or pay extra taxes…  Trying to "fix" the river would be complicated and wildly expensive, and could even make things worse.

Well if you build next to moving water... your land will erode.

4.5 billion years this has been happening on this planet.

Their choice of where they wanted to build should not half to be paid by the taxpayers of Alaska to fix.

Or maybe Alaska should build along Earthquake Park's land again..... or where the old native hospital use to be. This would be no different then building near moving water....


August 11, 2017 at 10:22pm  Video  Appeasement: Bill Clinton after signing a deal with North Korea, says they won't have nuclear missiles, wrong again!